
Showing posts from August, 2018

Loving your temple, (your body) and self care...

As a witch, on the outside to others, we may portray and carry ourselves as confident, sexy, and mysterious creatures. But on the inside do we match the vibration that we are exuding? I hope so because it is not only important to be the person you want to be on the inside, but also on the outside, not to mention it is very empowering to be a witch, and not because of the public allure, but because we've been courageous and bold enough to choose a wondrous path that might be ridiculed by many. And not only that, the whole reason for this path is to find and tap into unlimited amounts of love, love for yourself, love for your relationships, love for your earth and creator, and love for the day-to-day things that you get to engage in in this beautiful life. "Looking" the part is one thing, "feeling" the part is another. The matter what size you are, shape, color, start loving yourself today. There is no one like you were the world literally, you are one-of-a-kind, ...

A witches BOOK of Shadows, 15 reasons to create one!

A Book of Shadows is a MUST have for every witch... define it and put in it what you like, but because we Wiccan's are on our own when it comes to "creating the rules," we need a solemn and sacred place to jot down all of our creations and expressions, from magick to rituals. Some witches don't even use their BOS very formally, as it could be used as simply a journal of feelings, but the more you create, the more you might want to remember later... I keep a full size BOS on my altar which is the grand daddy of of all my recorded creations and ideas, AND a smaller pocket sized one for traveling and outdoor use. A BOS can be made any way you like, stapling parchment paper together, binding ruled paper together, or purchasing an empty journal booklet and decorating it with your own creativity. What goes in your book of shadows? Every witch will tell you something completely different but here are some of the things I put in mine... maybe you can even add to this list? 1....

Why a MAGICAL mind is also a MANIFESTING one.. PART TWO!

In the last blog, we were talking in depth about how thoughts create action, and how important thoughts are in the mysterious process of imagination... We were discussing why it is important to re-train thoughts from negative ones to positive ones. You open yourself up to opportunities you would not normally have if you were negative and shut down and letting those negative thoughts and circumstances surround you. Once you feel you have shifted your mind and you're thinking more positively, (even if just in small amounts at first) and reaffirming your blissful desires in this life, you should start feeling different. Irritating situations will bother you less and less and your primary focus will be manifesting positive outcomes from your desires. As you begin that shift, well, that is when we need a little magic. Magic is putting action to our thoughts and our desires. Action could mean anything as long as it is a measurable amount of mental or physical energy.. it could mean creat...

Why a MAGICAL mind is also a MANIFESTING one, PART ONE

Ever wonder the secret to really improving your life, to really putting forth your dreams into action? How to apply a witches magic to your everyday decisions? Well I am a living example of being able to do this from absolutely nothing but my own resourcefulness and positive thinking. I've been able to create a lot of my dreams and make a lot of my goals happen simply by being resourceful and applying five words to everything I do in life. "Committed choices," and "positive mind treatments." I like to talk a lot about manifesting in life because it's both the key to happiness and fulfilling our desires. If we can't have either one of those, we are doomed not to enjoy our earthbound time, and the least happy we are, the more disease can fester... nobody's wants a life of that. Thoughts are the basis of who we are next to our "existing energetic essence." If there is no intention behind the energy of our minds and bodies, then it can't mo...

Wiccan thoughts on the after-life PART TWO

One of my most favorite subjects to discuss with fellow coven mates is death and the beautiful afterlife- or rather "eternal-continued life" because energy never dies, it simply changes form. (Scientific fact!) When you no longer fear death, talking about, or facing it, life suddenly feels freer, and lighter! Trust me, it's worth the talk... ha! I think most of us can agree that being human is a very difficult job, it is an intense, unpredictable and overall perplexing experience. This is one big human project that didn't come with any instructions, manuals, or guarantees about what does and will happen to us on this earth, not to mention the many questions we will and do have that many of us do not have the answers too! Not even the scientists can always agree! Living life is a big and confusing job. You make hundreds a decisions per and we do it blindly, we do it based on our gut feelings and current circumstances, as none of us know what the future holds so all dec...

Wiccan thoughts on the after-life, PART ONE

Just as when we are born, death is not only inevitable, but a necessary and completely natural process of being human. Most of us spend our entire lives both fearing and running from our death, trying to prevent it, scared of it, rarely thinking about it, rarely talking about it, and terrified of the day that it will actually happen. Most of us have lost someone dear to us by this point in our lives so we understand grieving for another person, but why don't we learn to grieve our own death by facing our mortality once and for all and THEN being ok with the idea so we no longer have to worry about it? I am not talking about throwing caution to the wind... or am I? I AM talking about taking positive risks that will bring you happiness in exchange for temporarily uncomfortable feelings, but I am not talking about riding 80 on a motorcycle without a helmet on the freeway... And I think it would be fair to admit that most of us aren't necessarily afraid of death, but of the ugly, p...

Dealing with a political divide and applying Wicca to your peace of mind...

As we all know, we have had a drastic change in our political regime here in the United States. According to the polls, more than half of us are disappointed in the outcome. So how do we apply magic and higher thinking to something that deeply divides us and affects us on a personal level and on a daily basis? Despite the majority not being happy about the outcome, they were the second group, another majority WHICH IS happy about the outcome. And since truth is subjective and personal to every one of us, trying to bring people together to understand the importance of either side is sometimes very difficult... when reality for one person is a completely different reality for another person, and when we hold onto our emotions about something so powerful, sometimes it's impossible to even comprehend where the other side is coming from. Even I have been in the midst of my own political turmoil and aside from being as proactive as I can to incite what I think is the best change for this...

How to read "aura's"

Everything in our universe is a vibration, a particle, made up of electrical energy, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations as we have been discussing ALL throughout this course. Hence, "the Aura" is an electro-photonic vibrational response of an object to external excitement, thus a light or a colorful glow around a person or living thing. The most fascinating fact about an aura is that it gives us information about who or what it surrounds. Auras around living things change with time, but are virtually, usually stagnant on non-living things, however Auras around water and crystals for instance have been known to change by conscious intent! The Auras around a person is composed of electromagnetic radiation (microwave/infrared/UV light), the low frequency parts of the spectrum, like body heat, seem to be related to other low levels of bodily functions such as metabolism and circulation. The higher level frequencies are emitted from conscious activities like t...

Chakra's in a nutshell

Learning the chakra's are super important and helpful as a Pagan! The word 'chakra' is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning 'wheel'. If we were able to see the chakras (as many psychics, in fact, do) we would observe a wheel of energy continuously revolving or rotating.  Clairvoyants perceive chakras as colorful wheels or flowers with a hub in the center. The chakras begin at the base of the spine and finish over the top of the head. Though fixed in the central spinal column they are located on both the front and back of the body, and work through it. Each chakra vibrates and rotates at different speeds. The root or first chakra rotates at the slowest speed, the crown or seventh chakra at the highest. Each chakra is stimulated by its own and complimentary color, and a range of gemstones for specific uses. The chakra colors are of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The size and brightness of the wheels vary with individual developmen...

Warnings and caution for the NEW WITCH

As with any new spiritual path, being a Witch can be especially challenging at times. A Witch has the societal stigma attached to her/him because many will never understand what TRUE witchcraft is, but this should never stop her or him, for there will always remain ignorant people that will judge even if you were NOT a witch. In the end, no matter what we do, we are still at the mercy of other people's opinions, therefore, we should make decisions that make US feel good; if we lived only to please others we would drive ourselves insane. It is everyone's responsibility to find their own path to their beliefs and happiness. The best way to tackle any kind of judgment is to understand the perpetrator is operating from fear, and it is our duty to correct those vibrations with love and communication. Opening up to people and letting them know the beauty and love that IS the craft, will slowly reverse the biases that are passed. Also understand that there are negative people that als...

Appreciating the power of nature... a MUST for a witch!

My dearest husband always chuckles at me every time I walk by a bucket of flowers at the grocery store. I literally always stop to "smell the roses" whenever I see them. It may be a cliché phrase, but have you ever walked up to a big bouquet of natures perfume, closed your eyes, and just sniffed until your heart is content? I'm one of those weird people that do that all the time. I close my eyes and let those flowery scents from heaven take me to some other place for about 65 seconds, or until the clerk makes my buy them, whichever happens first! I also am the same way with Christmas trees! Being a New Yorker, December is a heavenly time for a pagan as every three blocks there is a Christmas tree stand - I love the sweet, fresh smell of pine as it sucks me in just like a delicious cologne on a man (or a woman!) even if I am in a huge hurry, I will always stop to smell the trees, and all of the different varieties, which is great for me, bad for anyone who is with me who t...

The Law of forgiveness, making peace with enemies

I know, I know this is a touchy subject for ALL of us, especially being spiritual beings and sensitive to disharmony... but we have ALL been hurt by someone, and dealing with those feelings of betrayal shouldn't be denied or stuffed. It is an impossible thought for many, maybe even not even a consideration for most of you! But, hear me out…(let's get back into the mindset that the dominant energies which every emotion is based are from either LOVE or FEAR.) Everyone, including our so called "enemies" have a place in this world. People that cause havoc in our lives are perhaps the biggest teachers of the biggest lessons we are to learn and conquer in this life. I like to eventually be THANKFUL for the people that are a pain in my moon because they reflect a challenging opportunity to rise above and become a more evolved person by handling this type of person with grace and deeper understanding; in fact often other's behavior is a direct reflection of needing to see...

How to "consecrate" a witches tools

When a witch starts to accumulate her first tools for her altar, often she forgets one important step before beginning her magical workings! It is very important to focus YOUR energy unto all the items in your sacred space. Often your items have been touched by many other people, and have traveled far distances to find you! Consecrating your tools in your personal space is very important. This means cleansing your tools both physically and energetically of all previous energy that may be on or around them, and making them personal to you by placing YOUR new energy and intention on and around them, using a small ritual consisting of words, focus, and sometimes your favorite oil/incense. Remember to base your consecration(s) in love and ALWAYS with good intentions. Remember, our kind of Wicca, the most EFFECTIVE Wicca, focuses on all work being performed from and out of love, therefore we need to reflect that energy onto our tools/space and everything in essence, on your altar. Here is a...

A witches POTIONS and how to create them!

A Witch’s potions become her personal and private concoctions for both potions for magickal uses AND for ingestible uses. Potions may come in the form of a tea, an alcoholic beverage, wine or sangria, or a juice drink, and as well, her magickal potions (non ingestible) can be combinations of oils and herbs among “other magickal” personal items like body fluids, blood, or ground finger nail clippings for use in spells. New potions are created every day by witches around the world, and traditional potion recipes are also handed down from generations. However if you don't have a fellow witch to hand you some ideas, we have some here for you! :) You can create your own potions from scratch, using anything you like, for almost any reason you like! Familiarizing yourself with the different edible herbs and oils, and ones that are not, and what each of their magickal and healing properties are, is helpful. Click here for a list of herbs and oils and their meanings. Once you learn their me...

Color therapy when working with candle magick, PART TWO

Continued from previous blog... So you have your candle spell ready, you know what you desire, you are ready to help that desire manifest! Now, what candle, and what color of candle should you use? Here are some specifically shaped candles for more specific desires, but if your desires are more general, below is a key to choosing which color to use if you want to use a straight pillar, stick, or tealight candle. :) If you have the time to "dress" or "charge" your candles, I highly recommend it! You can inscribe words, sayings, or names into them, wrap them in ribbons or photos, and infuse them by rubbing particular corresponding oils on them for added aroma. Shapely candles for specific workings: (can be purchased on -Double action candles (2 color candles at each end for dual purposes that coincide together) -7 Day candles are often encased in glass and are tall and burned until complete -Image candles in the shape of deities, women, men, genitalia, e...

Color therapy when working with candle magick, PART ONE

Dear friends, important info today! Colors, like smells and visuals, can affect our moods and emotions. Understanding how these moods are triggered from outside stimuli can not only help balance your chakras, but also help in magickal rituals. Candle magic is a quick, peaceful, and easy way to create an instant mood. It is considered "sympathetic" magic because it requires very few supplies and little effort to set up. You just need the candle, a match, and a thought to pair with the flame! Not only are candles used for magickal purposes, but as most of you know, clearly the average person indulges in finding joy and peace in lighting candles too, as candles are quite popular! In ancient times candles were used for light, and then later by the pagans fo celebrations and eventually churches adapted candle use for sacred ritual too. Wishing on a birthday cake by blowing out a candle is the simplest and most popular form of magic there is, and people don't even think twice a...

The POWER of the pentacle!

Hello my fellow Wiccan's! Today we need to talk about the our friend, the PENTACLE... The Pentacle or Pentagram, is more than just the symbol of Witchcraft and Wicca. Its concept and meaning span over several cultures and it is over 8,000 years old! It is a symbol that represents the bringing of the spirit to the earth, manifestation through the five points of the star via the 5 elements, (earth, air, spirit, water, fire). Over the years, the 5 points have come to encompass several meanings, for example in Christian times, the points meant the five wounds of Christ, whereas the Celts believed that the Pentacle represented “Ireland’s five great roads, five provinces and five paths of the law.” In Tarot decks, the Pentacles are part of the 4 suits, representing money, material things, and work. Today, for modern Wiccan's, the pentacle symbolizes unity and wholeness, the quest for divine knowledge, truth, and balancing  the elements for a balanced and fruitful life. The pentacle i...

Developing your psychic abilities PART TWO

In the previous blog, I presented some simple ways to develop your psychic abilities. In this blog, we will take things a step further and discuss exercises you can do to strengthen your psychic abilities! Try these steps on for fun! 1. Seeing and remembering Practice the exercise of looking closely at any scene, a store at a mall, people in the park, your bedroom. Look closely at details and colors, then close your eyes and take a visual photo of the scene, now see the photo in your mind and recount all the details that you can remember. Everywhere you go, try to take a detailed snapshot of what is going on and practicing remembering the snapshot. 2. See and imagine everything in every color Look at the sky and picture it magenta, then green, then purple, then brown, go through as many colors as you can. Do the same for a stapler, or the television, or a croissant. Disassociate what your mind is programmed to see as what colors and force your mind to see outside of the color thi...

Developing your psychic abilities PART ONE...

Developing psychic abilities are not only EVERYONE'S gift, but believe it or not, everyone is psychic, and has the potential to strengthen these abilities! Think about the simple decisions we make every day. We make them because we have a "gut feeling" that tells our brain, yes that's a good idea, or no, that is not such a great idea. We go here we go there, we do this, we do that, all day long trusting that what we are doing is right for US in that moment. Psychic ability is simply this feeling amplified. And the way we can amplify it? By following a few steps and exercises! The root of the word "psychic" means "soul." The power of our being; the gifts and talents we possess is the Goddess bestowing her gifts upon us since we are extensions of her. It has been said that "God can do no more for you than through you," and since we are all one, let the universe work though you! The Goddess in you will supply the right channel and effort so ...

Invoking or evoking? What is the difference?

Over the years I have had many questions about what invoking vs. evoking consists of. Many believe that they are one in the same, when in actuality, evoke and invoke are VERBS of different meanings. Both can be useful during ritual, and here is why we need to know the difference when it comes to using either action... Evoking is when you ask a Deity/God/Goddess and what it represents, to be present in your circle or at your ritual, (to join you) as do the Catholics when they call upon the Saints. (see list of some sample Deities below) Sometimes we practitioners enjoy honoring the presence of such Deities for inspiration or visions during a meditation. An energy may shift in the room or someone may receive a message of sorts, as we do when we get answers when we pray. Evoking should be done with clear and positive intentions. Make sure you record any special messages or happenings into your Book of Shadows. Upon closing your circle, thank your Deities for joining you and ask them to b...