Why a MAGICAL mind is also a MANIFESTING one, PART ONE

Ever wonder the secret to really improving your life, to really putting forth your dreams into action? How to apply a witches magic to your everyday decisions? Well I am a living example of being able to do this from absolutely nothing but my own resourcefulness and positive thinking. I've been able to create a lot of my dreams and make a lot of my goals happen simply by being resourceful and applying five words to everything I do in life. "Committed choices," and "positive mind treatments." I like to talk a lot about manifesting in life because it's both the key to happiness and fulfilling our desires. If we can't have either one of those, we are doomed not to enjoy our earthbound time, and the least happy we are, the more disease can fester... nobody's wants a life of that.

Thoughts are the basis of who we are next to our "existing energetic essence." If there is no intention behind the energy of our minds and bodies, then it can't move at the rate of any sort intention-ed productivity... it will move FOR you without your intent, but at random. Wouldn't YOU rather be in somewhat control of your intentions? Once energy is created, the next step is putting intention into it, i.e. thoughts and desires. Now we all know that some thoughts are just useless, they are meant for venting and analyzing, thinking and feeling. However bigger thoughts, thoughts with true intention behind them, are really meant to be the key 'manifester' in our lives. Those are the important thoughts, they are the beginnings of hatching plans and goals and desires into the physical world, the ones that provoke change and create the BIG moves for us. So how do you tell the difference between a random thought and a really life-changing magical thought? It's measured by how much intention is behind it and how much emotion and feeling is fueling your thoughtful desire.... at some point we learn to prioritize our thoughts with basic mind treatments in mind training. This can be done through meditation and/or focus and it simply takes time, practice, and mental correction. Learn to hone in on your energy and on things that only YOU wish to spend your time on both in the physical and the mental space. But even if you don't have time to learn to meditate, you can still start training your mind for manifestation right now today in this moment. Firstly understand that all we have is this moment in the present - so the past no longer matters, we have this second, and the future has yet to be written. So in this moment think about things that bring you joy, and bliss, and how those experiences can also bring joy to humanity- whether it is a job that you're working hard to do for someone else, or a company you want to start to change the world, or simply the way you spread joy by giving smiles, gifts, or kindness to others. Start separating the thoughts in your mind that make you feel really good and those that make you feel really bad. We want to begin to correct bad and negative thinking with positive thinking. For every thought that you have a bad or negative emotion for, we want to start associating positive feelings about. For instance if you hate your job and all you think about is how miserable it makes you feel, start thinking about what your dream job would feel like instead, feel those real feelings as if you're really there and it's already happening. Feel the bliss of the future change you want to make for yourself. Start to repeat this process over and over, train your mind to continually put yourself in the new situation that you want to change and feel how amazing that will feel if you were already in it even if you are not yet, and think about that desire as often as you can! This could be several thoughts and desires in one sitting, or just an isolated desire. It could be for new relationship and a new job and a new apartment all in one mind training... or the focus for that moment could just be on meeting your soulmate. This can be done before you sleep, when you're awake, while you were in the shower, while you are in line at the bank, etc. Just continually think about the things that you want in life and how they make you feel, the good things. When the negativity creeps up on you again find a way to heal it with love through your mind. Another example; if your child comes to you and tells you they have been betrayed by a friend, instead of feeling anger at the other child, understand that that child is in some sort of emotional pain in order to have betrayed your child. And instead of reacting with anger, healing that energy with love will change that child's energetic vibration when they interact with you and or your child. Another example is - if you hate your boss but you love your job, instead of wishing any ill will on your boss, just wish for your boss to find a better job that will make them a happier person so that when they are in their next position, they can bring more love and peace to their fellow employees and less disdain. Training your mind to feel rather than think to experience joy rather than pain, and to stay grateful in the present moment rather than living in the past and complaining, can make drastic changes in your energy field and what is attracted to you.

There is much more to finish on this subject, so shall we continue this on the next blog? Come with me!

Many blessings and love always, Lady S.


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