Why a MAGICAL mind is also a MANIFESTING one.. PART TWO!

In the last blog, we were talking in depth about how thoughts create action, and how important thoughts are in the mysterious process of imagination... We were discussing why it is important to re-train thoughts from negative ones to positive ones. You open yourself up to opportunities you would not normally have if you were negative and shut down and letting those negative thoughts and circumstances surround you. Once you feel you have shifted your mind and you're thinking more positively, (even if just in small amounts at first) and reaffirming your blissful desires in this life, you should start feeling different. Irritating situations will bother you less and less and your primary focus will be manifesting positive outcomes from your desires. As you begin that shift, well, that is when we need a little magic. Magic is putting action to our thoughts and our desires. Action could mean anything as long as it is a measurable amount of mental or physical energy.. it could mean creating a ritual in the physical, lighting candles speaking aloud affirmations, making the proper phone calls you need to do, going out and meeting the people you need to... It is a physical world that we live in therefore we can't do everything that we want to do in just thought form. However as we know, everything must start out in thought form. Buildings don't get built unless an architect draws up the plans first. Companies don't get formed unless ideas and products are put forth and physically made. Books don't get written until the words in your head go onto the paper into and into the physical world. Once you have trained your mind to stay in the moment and to only focus your thoughts on the things you want in this life, joy, blessings, health, peace, happiness, productivity, kindness, love, and giving back... ACTION is the next step. Witches have a lot of tools at their disposal, just as explained, to help with the action that needs to be put behind our intended thoughts. Ritual (like going to church) reinforces the spiritual aspect of ourselves- tapping into our true talents as individuals (everyone has one or more) and certainly helps us focus, it helps us become centered, and it opens up our chakra's so that we may receive messages from our higher self about how to proceed with making our thoughts into action... in this day and age of technology and television and media bombarding us constantly with digital energy, we don't take enough time to really go within and find that still, basic peacefulness, that inner voice that knows exactly what to do and to get us where we need to be - often we become distracted by unimportant things, and we must learn to prioritize.. prioritize LOVE, which is the basis of all the happy things we want. The hard stuff can be healed and conquered too, with love. Love is the most powerful vibration in the universe, it overpowers hate, jealousy, rage, and fear EVERY TIME. As a witch we often get asked about dark spells, and our manipulation of energy.. and I always say, it's only from LOVE, FOR LOVE, we don't dabble in dark energy. Why would we? It wouldn't get us where we want to be NEARLY as fast as love does!

Once we begin to focus on filling our desires as humans, we have truly worked our magic. Try little circumstances first, if you're in a bad mood sit next to your altar for just 20 minutes light a candle, take it back to basics and just breathe, let your mind wander and think about wonderful things in life that make you happy, the things that you love, the people, the plants, the animals, things that make you smile. And if after that 15 minutes you don't feel more centered, do it again because eventually you will. That centered-ness is where we need to be connecting in order to continually manifest on a daily basis everything from needing money for your groceries, to getting the perfect job, to buying that new car, to writing that new book, to meeting the love of your life. It's all there waiting for you here in the physical. But it has to start with the thought in the ethereal, in the mental, then the COMMITTED CHOICE to allow it to enter your life freely and with ease. It will eventually work its way into your physical world if you just let it and you focus on it. If you don't think positive thought manifests anything, just look at the world around you. The television, the home you live in, the car you drive, these were all thoughts that turned into intentions that turned into actual physical manifestations that we look at, that we drive, that we experience. It all started as a thought. That is the beauty of the human mind and the manifestation of the universe. It is constantly changing and constantly using its own energy to continue to build upon itself more and more in a different creative ways. Never underestimate the power of your mind and manifestation and how to get what you want from this life with focus and attention. Of course as you know, you also don't want to focus on negative manifestations. Constant worry and fear can manifest those experiences into your life just the same, so if you get in the habit of positive mind treating NOW, you will manifest more positive and less negative. Realistic expectations also help, as in if you don't have a college degree in medicine, you can't become a doctor, however there are many hobbies and many career choices you can make in the medicine field without actually becoming an M.D. But again turning inward, listening to what your true higher self's voice is telling you, your body, mind, and your spirit knows exactly what you want from this life, if you don't consciously know what that is you can unlock it anytime with a little effort, ask and be open to receive. And once you do there is no stopping you. Now go out and start manifesting amazing happenings in your life, time is running out as we have such a short amount of time here, so grab for the gusto! How far we take our thoughts into the world and into the physical environment of our lives, is really up to us. Once we understand how the universe works, both in science and spirit, when they come together, make great things. We can simplify our lives and our decision-making on a daily basis and yes, create all the changes we need and want to! 

Many blessings and love, Lady S.


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