How to "consecrate" a witches tools

When a witch starts to accumulate her first tools for her altar, often she forgets one important step before beginning her magical workings! It is very important to focus YOUR energy unto all the items in your sacred space. Often your items have been touched by many other people, and have traveled far distances to find you! Consecrating your tools in your personal space is very important. This means cleansing your tools both physically and energetically of all previous energy that may be on or around them, and making them personal to you by placing YOUR new energy and intention on and around them, using a small ritual consisting of words, focus, and sometimes your favorite oil/incense. Remember to base your consecration(s) in love and ALWAYS with good intentions. Remember, our kind of Wicca, the most EFFECTIVE Wicca, focuses on all work being performed from and out of love, therefore we need to reflect that energy onto our tools/space and everything in essence, on your altar. Here is a sample of a wonderful consecration ritual for 1 or more of your tools; you can customize it for specific consecrations.

1. Cast your circle, light a white candle and burn frankincense resin, sage, and/or incense (for purification)

2. Using your wand (or your hand if you are consecrating your wand) make a repeating clockwise motion over your tool(s) and say: (or something similar, whatever makes your comfortable)

3. By the Great Divine Mind, the Goddess and God, Creator and Intelligence, My Guardians,
My Angels, the power of my reigning Divine Love, and all the elements
of her beautiful Mother nature of the Earth, the Air, the Water, and her Fire, cleanse these
personal magical tools before me, charge them with positivity,
may I use these tools for good and light,
may I use these tools to do good and right.
Whether I use them by day or by night,
they are now lovingly cleansed with ALL my might.
I charge these tools in the name of LOVE,
I charge these tools with blessings from above.
I charge these tools with harmony and peace,
I charge these tools, for my intentions to release,
I consecrate these tools, to be loving and kind,
I consecrate these tools, in sync with the Great Mind.
I charge these tools which now belong to me,
And for my Goddess within, BLESSED BE.

You can repeat this ritual for each tool or customize it for all tools at once! It also helps you connect mentally and spiritually with the objects you are working with. Similar to how a child holds his teddy bear where ever he goes for comfort, his smell, his energy, his faith in that bear are all over him and belong to him. The bear is a magical protector in a sense and he will receive much comfort by carrying around his bear. It is the same with your altar tools! Your tools are supposed to bring you a feeling of protection, comfort, manifestation, change, and desired results. Drape your energy all over your altar and your tools and you will feel very connected to them!

Blessed be in your magical workings!
~Lady Shadowe


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