Developing your psychic abilities PART ONE...
Developing psychic abilities are not only EVERYONE'S gift, but believe it or not, everyone is psychic, and has the potential to strengthen these abilities! Think about the simple decisions we make every day. We make them because we have a "gut feeling" that tells our brain, yes that's a good idea, or no, that is not such a great idea. We go here we go there, we do this, we do that, all day long trusting that what we are doing is right for US in that moment. Psychic ability is simply this feeling amplified. And the way we can amplify it? By following a few steps and exercises! The root of the word "psychic" means "soul." The power of our being; the gifts and talents we possess is the Goddess bestowing her gifts upon us since we are extensions of her. It has been said that "God can do no more for you than through you," and since we are all one, let the universe work though you! The Goddess in you will supply the right channel and effort so that the rest unfolds in ways both magickal and miraculous. The only person you can ever change is yourself, so while you are embarking on your psychic journey, remember the gift is not to control others, but to HELP and inspire others. Put your trust in the divinity of your higher being and in your Goddess-given right to improve yourself and your "height of mind" and strive to use parts of your brain that barely get tapped into in this lifetime and channel the Goddess and her gifts!
1. Have an open mind
The visions and ideas that will begin to come to you may feel awkward or larger than life at first, maybe even unbelievable, however stay OPEN to any and all things that come to you through ALL of your senses. Don't discount or berate them. Record them in a journal and sift through them while accumulating information.
2. Have a positive attitude
Stay in the mindset of peace and love, the white light, the goodness of source, take snippets of happiness that you have experienced and amplify that wonderful feeling, hold onto it when fear creeps in and stay in a strong, happy, peaceful mindset.
3. Be a listener and an observer
Don't just listen with your EARS, hear with your soul, your eyes, and gut intuition. Pay close attention to when others communicate with you, watch for emotion, vulnerability, and sincerity. Try to read between the lines, use your common sense, and ask questions out of trust and caring.
4. Trusting intuition
Trust your gut and instincts. If you have a strong feeling about something one way or another, examine it immediately before acting in haste, yet stay with the feeling and comprehend it before dismissing it. Ask your spirit guides or the Goddess to give you a final sign or an answer if in still in question. You will have a certain knowing if you question and follow your instinct.
5. States of relaxation
You have to know what true relaxation is, being able to block out the stresses and the superficial thoughts about the world is pertinent. See PAST the physical plane and enter with your mind, into the peace and tranquility of the spiritual plane, where all things are possible, known, and created. Understand that this is where you are from and there is NO reason to ever be upset or threatened in this world because it is ALL love. Bring some of the assurance back into your mind with you when you visually re-enter the physical world. Learn to meditate and quiet your mind EVEN in a disaster or a stressful situation. Remember a concept from A Course in Miracles which implies nothing REAL can be harmed, nothing UNreal has any existence, so there is NOTHING to fear or worry about-- ever!
6. Meditation
Your brain does not know the difference between ACTUALLY experiencing something for real and thinking about experiencing something! So if your brain does not know that you really aren't on a tropical island, but yet you believe you are there, picturing it, feeling it, the sun, the calm and warmth, your body will start to follow and believe those thoughts as well! In meditation we not only trick our brains into going somewhere or thinking something, but we are tapped in to higher vibrations and beings that have messages for us! There are many types of meditation out there, as well as just learning it on your own. We will cover meditation in more detail in a future section.
7. Use your imagination
Dream, wish, have desires, conjure scenes in your mind of seemingly impossible feats, but just imagine it and imagine it all as often as possible all the while smiling and pretending every bit of your imaginings are REAL! Write them down as well and don't ever feel ashamed of day dreaming!
8. Practice with divination
A great way to tap into psychic ability is through divination of your choice. You may connect with a pendulum, tarot cards, a crystal ball, tea leaves, etc… once you are drawn to a medium, practice with it, practice on yourself, on friends, learn the medium in and out and trust in its and YOUR powers!
Try burning some incense and light a candle as you practice… And join us for part 2 of this blog for September by clicking here!
~Peace and Blessings, Lady S.
1. Have an open mind
The visions and ideas that will begin to come to you may feel awkward or larger than life at first, maybe even unbelievable, however stay OPEN to any and all things that come to you through ALL of your senses. Don't discount or berate them. Record them in a journal and sift through them while accumulating information.
2. Have a positive attitude
Stay in the mindset of peace and love, the white light, the goodness of source, take snippets of happiness that you have experienced and amplify that wonderful feeling, hold onto it when fear creeps in and stay in a strong, happy, peaceful mindset.
3. Be a listener and an observer
Don't just listen with your EARS, hear with your soul, your eyes, and gut intuition. Pay close attention to when others communicate with you, watch for emotion, vulnerability, and sincerity. Try to read between the lines, use your common sense, and ask questions out of trust and caring.
4. Trusting intuition
Trust your gut and instincts. If you have a strong feeling about something one way or another, examine it immediately before acting in haste, yet stay with the feeling and comprehend it before dismissing it. Ask your spirit guides or the Goddess to give you a final sign or an answer if in still in question. You will have a certain knowing if you question and follow your instinct.
5. States of relaxation
You have to know what true relaxation is, being able to block out the stresses and the superficial thoughts about the world is pertinent. See PAST the physical plane and enter with your mind, into the peace and tranquility of the spiritual plane, where all things are possible, known, and created. Understand that this is where you are from and there is NO reason to ever be upset or threatened in this world because it is ALL love. Bring some of the assurance back into your mind with you when you visually re-enter the physical world. Learn to meditate and quiet your mind EVEN in a disaster or a stressful situation. Remember a concept from A Course in Miracles which implies nothing REAL can be harmed, nothing UNreal has any existence, so there is NOTHING to fear or worry about-- ever!
6. Meditation
Your brain does not know the difference between ACTUALLY experiencing something for real and thinking about experiencing something! So if your brain does not know that you really aren't on a tropical island, but yet you believe you are there, picturing it, feeling it, the sun, the calm and warmth, your body will start to follow and believe those thoughts as well! In meditation we not only trick our brains into going somewhere or thinking something, but we are tapped in to higher vibrations and beings that have messages for us! There are many types of meditation out there, as well as just learning it on your own. We will cover meditation in more detail in a future section.
7. Use your imagination
Dream, wish, have desires, conjure scenes in your mind of seemingly impossible feats, but just imagine it and imagine it all as often as possible all the while smiling and pretending every bit of your imaginings are REAL! Write them down as well and don't ever feel ashamed of day dreaming!
8. Practice with divination
A great way to tap into psychic ability is through divination of your choice. You may connect with a pendulum, tarot cards, a crystal ball, tea leaves, etc… once you are drawn to a medium, practice with it, practice on yourself, on friends, learn the medium in and out and trust in its and YOUR powers!
Try burning some incense and light a candle as you practice… And join us for part 2 of this blog for September by clicking here!
~Peace and Blessings, Lady S.
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