A witches BOOK of Shadows, 15 reasons to create one!

A Book of Shadows is a MUST have for every witch... define it and put in it what you like, but because we Wiccan's are on our own when it comes to "creating the rules," we need a solemn and sacred place to jot down all of our creations and expressions, from magick to rituals. Some witches don't even use their BOS very formally, as it could be used as simply a journal of feelings, but the more you create, the more you might want to remember later... I keep a full size BOS on my altar which is the grand daddy of of all my recorded creations and ideas, AND a smaller pocket sized one for traveling and outdoor use. A BOS can be made any way you like, stapling parchment paper together, binding ruled paper together, or purchasing an empty journal booklet and decorating it with your own creativity. What goes in your book of shadows? Every witch will tell you something completely different but here are some of the things I put in mine... maybe you can even add to this list?

1. As a journal - I like to record significant happenings in my life, especially if it has pertained to something magical that happened in which I manifested. Sometimes I will just write out a gratitude list to be reiterated on days that aren't as happy and productive. I also like to place tabs on the tops of pages with descriptions of topics that are easy to find in a glance!

2. As a recipe book - Whether for a great herbal tea, a healing vitamin concoction, or for witchy fudge brownies, this is a wonderful place to keep your magical recipes of all kinds!

3. As a spell book - I am always writing new spells, and rewriting old ones with new prose. This is a great place to put your spells! I group them into one section of the book so I can reference them easily :)

4. As a ritual reference - I often create new rituals as well, based on solo or group needs. I love sitting down and creating ritual and incantations. There is no one way to write how you talk to your goddess, another great section of the book I keep separate from other sections.

5. As a poetry collection - Writing poems for me is very much like writing spells. Many of my spells rhyme like poems, but also you may be feeling extra creative, nothing like jotting down an honest poem to read later in your BOS.

6. For letter writing - When I can't reach a particular special someone in the conventional way I often write them a letter in my BOS. I make sure that what I write is loving and expresses kind thoughts, not my frustrations, as everything in my BOS tends to be on the attaining/manifesting/positive side. Perhaps I am missing someone from afar, I will send them a love letter in my BOS.

7. For goals and manifestations - A few times a year I am shifting my goals around. I love to create goals and TO DO lists in my BOS and watch them come to fruition and complete themselves. My BOS then becomes the book of recorded manifestations!

8. For notes on gem/candle/incense/oil meanings - it is hard to memorize 100s of oil, incense, and gem meanings. I create quick reference pages in my BOS for creating items I need for ritual or spells. This makes for quick look up!

9. For incantations - evoking or invoking a particular goddess? It's much easier to read from your BOS than from your smart phone in the middle of ritual. Copy it down in your own handwriting or print out small sections from your computer and paste them into the pages. SO much easier, and you have it all at your fingertips!

10. A witches chronicle to be passed down to the next generation - have a daughter or a BFF that you share Wicca with? Having a nice big BOS to pass down to the next generation of witches is wildly helpful and insightful for future witches. Since there is no bible for Wicca, you are creating one! Your own unique journey! What a wonderful souvineer of your spiritual life!

11. A witches ideas - and we have MANY of them! Record them! Written word is more powerful than fleeting thought! Even if you don't have the means to see a great idea through now, in the future the universe will create a way, and writing it helps to solidify your desires!

12. To save clippings or herbs/flowers - I often save rose petals or dried herbs for luck and remembrance.

13. To create collages in - cut outs from books and magazines are wonderful visuals for the witch! Create mini vision boards in your BOS!

14. To keep photos in - similar to a scrap book or photo album. Some photos are JUST THAT important to have close by.

15. To sketch or draw in - yes we are creative too! What a great place to store our doodles and art!

What will you add to the list? Email me! soulsandspirits@yahoo.com

~Blessings always, LS


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