Wiccan thoughts on the after-life PART TWO

One of my most favorite subjects to discuss with fellow coven mates is death and the beautiful afterlife- or rather "eternal-continued life" because energy never dies, it simply changes form. (Scientific fact!) When you no longer fear death, talking about, or facing it, life suddenly feels freer, and lighter! Trust me, it's worth the talk... ha!

I think most of us can agree that being human is a very difficult job, it is an intense, unpredictable and overall perplexing experience. This is one big human project that didn't come with any instructions, manuals, or guarantees about what does and will happen to us on this earth, not to mention the many questions we will and do have that many of us do not have the answers too! Not even the scientists can always agree! Living life is a big and confusing job. You make hundreds a decisions per and we do it blindly, we do it based on our gut feelings and current circumstances, as none of us know what the future holds so all decisions really are made without any idea of what's going to REALLY happen tomorrow. And after we leave this earthly plane, when will we know why exactly did we come into this body that we did, and through the parents that we did, and choose the life we have now? From what I understand from my powerful meditations and recent visions, and much studying on the subject both from the scientific and spiritual side of things, is that there are many levels of ascension in the universe- and each life that we complete in physical form whether on earth or somewhere else in the universe, raises our vibration to new and different levels. The harder the successfully completed lesson, the higher the level we ascend. I think most of us would agree that we can recognize someone who is not on the same emotional or vibrational level as we are whether higher or lower when we meet them, human to human. Those rules and laws APPLY to the rest of the universe as well. When the soul leaves the body, it does not die, it simply changes form... and that energy which leaves our bodies, moves into one of these other levels after death. So, considering that now you have died and you are at peace as a soul, but there is only light in your tunnel still, you ask, wellllllll, where does that light lead?

We enter the after life that WE feel is most deserved and comfortable for our energy at the time of our death. Just as we do in this life, all of our decisions, actions, and experiences in this life reflect how we feel about ourselves and what it is we want to experience. It is the same in the after-continued life... levels and energy, matching the vibrations around you where you feel connected with similar vibrations, similar to experiences on earth. Now, even the lower levels of energy are not scary places to be as we assume them to be, i.e.: a place called "hell." We create through our states of mind, reflections of our own energetic vibration, and as we evolve through an earth life, and into the after-continued life, we are our own judge and jury... we certainly may be guided and shown the mistakes and conquering's of our life time(s) by angel beings, spirit guides or even God itself, but first and foremost, there is no hell, there is no eternal punishment, there's no eternal damnation for anyone unless you choose that through your own guilt and self hatred, and even then if you do choose to punish yourself in a painful afterlife, at anytime you may stop and move out of that and into a space that is more comfortable and more loving. So knowing that no one is suffering, or in chains, or being punished, not even the worst of criminals and murderers, because we have all been them in past lives, we need not to fear eternal torture and hellfire burns ever again!! Nor a good that does NOT do this to us...

That being said, on the "other side" is our true home, as this physical life is a temporary illusion. Physics have proven to us that there is no time, that measured time is something humans created the concept of, because we cannot comprehend that in the universe there is no time. Everything and everyone is all knowing, part of, and going on simultaneously, past, present and future, all crisscrossing, all transparent, and all within the speed of a thought... in other words, Heaven is a state of mind, just as hell can be, and when we become a state of being once again, we return to our real home which is in a place that we create in any way, shape, or form we wish in the ethereal plane of endless wishes, like the never ending story! You build your wishes and your creations into you're "soul print," and when you choose to do so, albeit you want to learn a new lesson or you want to achieve a new ascension level, you come back into a body into a physical form, and you evolve through having more physical lives and experiences - and not just on earth, but also on other planets. Also, this is all by choice, and we decide when, who, and how long, but when we re-enter a physical body to live out a lifetime, we purposely forget that we pre-arranged the reason why we came to this earth or into a physical body in the first place, because if we were to remember fully, there would be no point in coming into the physical body in the first place- because we would already realize that because there's no time, there's no need to live again because we are already evolved. So the only way to get to that point is to live through lifetimes of finding pieces of remembering... remembering our spiritual self, why we are here, recognizing the things that bring us joy and cultivating the talents that we were given in order to share them with our fellow brothers and sisters, as we need to learn from us as much as they need to learn from us. And what is that? What is the highest ascension level? Jesus amounts of LOVE. LOVE is all that matters- Love is the ultimate goal of every species of every civilization. To know itself through love. And there is always a species or civilization that needs to learn the lessons of love... so, worried about the after life? Your continued life? DO NOT! Love is all there is, in varying degrees, and with love, you can't go wrong... 

Blessings and LOVE always, Lady S.


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