Wiccan/Pagan lifestyle stereotypes, TRUE or FALSE?

We Wiccan Pagans often get a bad rap by general society, and not in a good way, but I must admit that our very liberal path does attract people of more liberal mindedness. To me, this is a good thing, a great thing actually, as I have yet to meet a rigid, extremely conservative, conformist, traditionalist pagan whose views are antiquated and closed minded! Most of my closest friends share my spiritual path and we have much in common with our thinking, of course which is again based in joy, love, and using the universe to manifest our dreams and hopes. Although at times our lifestyles may become controversial because in the way that we may manifest choices and express ourselves, and yes that can mean going against societies norm!

Sky clad!?
Yes there are nudists among Wiccan Pagans, but you will also find nudists from every walk of life including Christianity, Buddhism, and I've even known a Muslim nudist! Being comfortable with and celebrating your body at whatever shape or size it may be, is truly a beautiful thing and a wonderful way to connect with your inner goddess. Some covens indeed work their magic in the nude, which may include sex magic, or just innocent sun OR moon bathing, but I can tell you it is as natural for a practitioner in the nude to be nude for a ritual of her/his choosing as it is for a priest to be dressed in his robe for mass. There is no judgment either way, with or without clothes... However, naturally you would want to exercise caution when it comes to being nude, and make sure it is within an appropriate place among appropriate company! Going sky clad can be an extremely freeing and a powerful activity... Magic can be extremely powerful as well when we are uninhibited. If you haven't tried it, you must!

Yes you might find a majority of the polyamorous community to be Pagan, again it goes with that liberal thinking and openness to love within a world that is better without limitations. Personally, in my coven we maintain the belief that love is limitless, and freedom is love. This however does not mean that we do not honor commitments to each other and our partners, however it does mean that our partners and friends do not aim to possess or limit fellow friends or lovers in a traditional sense. This also means that we as a collective conscious, are trying to conquer emotions like jealousy and ownership, by experimenting with free flowing ideas. Polyamory is based in a lifestyle of openness and transparency, and many of us Wiccan Pagan's aim for exactly more of that in our daily lives, which may or may not manifest as multiple romantic relationships.

Is it true that Wiccan's tend to be non-meat eaters? Maybe, but we are also mistaken for raw meat eating Satanists who sacrifice small animals in the middle of the night! Again a Pagan may be more sensitive to nature and his/her environment, therefore sometimes healthier and unique choices will be made to honor one's beliefs regarding the land, the environment, and non-cruelty to animals. We Wiccan's admittedly love the land, we cherish our herbs, we worship the flow of the tides, and we are very connected to all things earthly and have an extraordinary reverence for these things. But that does not mean that you can categorize our spiritual believes so vaguely. We all still make individual choices based on our own needs, so no, there are no more meatless eaters among us than meat eaters!

Another rumor about Wiccan Pagan's is that we are all bisexual, both the men and the women! Well, again, our open-minded and curious nature may lead us down a more openly sexual path, I personally have more bisexuals in my Wiccan community than I do and in any other community I am affiliated with, but a coincidence? Perhaps, but we Wiccan's embrace all sexuality without judgment as long as everyone involved is open and aware of the situation and that sexuality is handled appropriately so among consenting adults. Wicca being a spiritual path of few rules, it is certainly not a requirement to be bisexual, nor is it in any way condemning.

We here at Souls And Spirits hope that what first comes to mind when one thinks of a Wiccan Pagan, would not be any of the above stereotypes, but perhaps just that we are a loving, peaceful, kind, and gentle group of people looking to harm NONE and only flourish in joy!!

~Blessings Always, Lady Shadowe


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