From your altar to the office, how to protect yourself from NEGATIVE energies :)

We can all use a little extra protection, whether it comes to keeping ourselves physically safe, mentally sane, or strong in our positive attitudes, there are several ways to combat evil from whence it comes. From your office to your home I have some great tips to keep the negative vibes far away from you, and when they do come little too close, here are some wonderful witches solutions!

Talismans: Talismans are a mixture of charms and/or herbs placed in a tiny pouch that can be carried around in a pocket, or a purse, or even worn as jewelry. Crush some angel wings and some sage, add piece of white quartz and tigers eye, place into a leather or satin pouch and keep it close to ward away and repel negative people or energies from your body.

Adornments: Your good old pewter, iron, or silver pentacle worn on your neck, on your hand, or as a bracelet, can help deter evil and protect all five elements of your essence. Just remember when you wear a pentacle in public, you may actually attract negative attention or fear-based judgments, so for extra safekeeping, use discretion about how openly you wear your pentacle.  A dash of clove oil behind jewelry or in a strand of your hair will also deter unwanted vibrations. Brooms are wonderful to keep near the entryway of your home, it is said that a broom will keep the home cleansed and deter negativity from entering your dwelling place.

Ritual: Performing a specific magical ritual of protection is one of the more solid choices for keeping negativity at bay, when you have the time and the tools at hand. A new moon is a great time for releasing and eliminating what you no longer want in your life. Make sure you cast a true salt circle around you, lighting a lot of white candles and keeping a large piece of crystal quartz in your hand while burning a black candle can also offer immense protection and elimination. Be sure to carve into your candle the exact things you want to avoid. It is very easy to write a spell of banishing and protection, the protection spell needs not come from any fancy formal written spell, but your very own words and request for protection will do just fine. Write it out in detail exactly what you are seeking protection from and make sure you and in-cant three times while envisioning a perfect light and an impenetrable force field around you and anything you want to protect.

Gems and plants: Gems on their own are wonderful to carry around in pockets and purses as well, many witches choose to wear gems as jewelry because they are more benign and less threatening pieces of metaphysical power. Tigers eye, amethyst, and crystal quartz are wonderful for general protection, and onyx and obsidian are wonderful stones to repel negativity and evil. Garlic and sage are a wonderful repellent for negative spirits and energies that we can't see. Placing lilacs near entryways and windows also prevent mischievous spirits who wish to cause trouble.

Instant incantations: When I find myself in a precarious situation I have a few instant "prayers" that I repeat quietly in my mind OR out loud until I find myself calm, confident, and safe. It may be something like, "the goddess in me is also around me protecting thee, please immediately calm me, safe me." I can say this in the car, while I am walking somewhere, or on an airplane. Any comforting phrase you create that brings you peace will do.

Mind treatments: Mind treatments are similar to meditations, if you can't be near your altar, and you have a little more time to focus on the protection you need, or repelling someone you feel is near, take the time to heal the situation with a mind treatment. It is a brief 5 to 10 minute meditation where you quietly turn inward, eyes closed,  picture yourself in protective light, healing the situation with love. Rather than using a fear based reaction, a mind treatment instantly begins to heal dark energy with light instead of fear, deterring it from wanting to come near you. Remember that like attracts like and that most evil is attracted to similar vibrations such as hate, fear, anger, and jealousy. Instantly healing a situation with love and acceptance brings protection and 'repellence.' This is not a full meditation but a mini blast of fearless love directed out from your heart and around yourself and your environment, perhaps protecting a car, you and your family, or even your job. Face the negativity head on and do not fear it but see it dissipating into the light, and everywhere you look see the force field of light protecting everything you touch and everyone around you. Don't forget to breathe deep and even sending healing love energy to your perpetrator will scramble their intentions and they will want to seek negativity elsewhere where it can be reacted upon and fed.

In the end, it is up to you to discern what is a true danger and what protection is within your control. Of course if you are feeling truly threatened by a person, do not hesitate to go to the proper authorities. If you feel threatened by a negative energy or spirit, there are also proper "spiritual" authorities for that. Stay strong, protected, and in the light my sisters and brothers!

Many Blessings ~ Lady S.


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