The Witches altar - and how to make it your own! :)

Summer is coming and what a wonderful time it is to practice the craft when the weather is nice and beautiful and you can get outside and get more hands-on with nature. As we Wiccan's know, our altars are the most precious and sacred spaces that we can possibly have. We center our desires, create magic, enjoy our sacred space, and use an altar as our focal point for focusing, protecting, conjuring, or meditating. An altar to a Wiccan is like a stove to cook, it is an essential item/tool to have.

Many beginners mistake how to put together an altar based on Hollywood's portrayal of what should be on and what goes on at "our altars." But I am here to tell you today brothers and sisters, that an altar can be anything you want it to be. In fact the more personal and unique it is to you, the better. Practitioners of all levels use so many different tools and decorations that I can't even begin to identify the hundreds of ways that you can create your sacred space.

The most important decision you make is probably where to put your altar. If you have a family or a lot of 'people' traffic in your home, and you need privacy or even complete sanctity from everyone, you may want to consider placing it in a closet if you must. Your altar can be on the shelf, it can be on something you have built, it can be in a windowsill, it can be kept inside a hope chest, the choices are endless. Once you choose your secret spot, choosing the tools on your altar are just as limitless. Of course the tools of a witch you want to keep close by, and that would include but not be limited to- your candles, a wand, incense burner, your athame, essential oils, a cauldron, perhaps some gems and stones, your book of shadows, feathers, an altar cloth, jewelry, spell writings, salt, wish box, and photographs. But I have seen all kinds of things on an altar... unusual things like candies, drawings, lipstick, coins and money, flowers, plants, herbs, dolls, trinkets, key chains, shot glasses, sticks, anything you can think of that is personal to you belongs on your altar whatever it maybe. No one is judging you, and what is on your altar, where you place your items and how you operate your magical workings is entirely up to you. I knew a witch once who created a Barbie themed altar! It was great! Everything from your altar cloth to your Tarot cards to your pendulum to your candle colors are completely customizable. Whatever keeps you in the head space of calm, peace, happiness, and desire manifestation!!!

I do want to note that altars with a more negative basis to them, those using blood, anger, any of the negative emotions, and holding a space in that energetic vibration can very well create the opposite of calm, peace, and manifestation. So though anything is welcome on your altar, and whatever personally works for you, may I kindly remind you that Wicca is a peaceful and loving path and we do not participate willfully among the dark energies in order to seek revenge or hurt others including ourselves. Let your altar reflect the loving and joyful place inside of you, not the jealous, angry, negative side. Like attracts like and what you think about and surround yourself with, is what will attract itself to you. Let's keep it in the light! I understand more than anyone the importance of tools used to BANISH negativity through your altar, but attracting it is not a good idea. Enjoy and we would love to see any photos of your altar!

Peace and blessings- Lady Shadowe


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