Holiday magic...

Everyone seems to feel the magic in the air during the holiday season. But as we know from learning about Wicca and practicing it, magic is more of a state of mind, which understandably goes hand-in-hand with the "feelings" of the holidays. Pagans and Christians over many centuries have passed down stories and traditions that correlate with a more generous and elevated mood during this time of year, despite the fact that it's colder and darker outside, and stress levels increase for many. But overall, there IS some kind of magic in the air... And here's your chance to make your own magical vibrations in the air!

Remember, this entire world and the relationships in it, were built beginning with thought. Everything started out as a thought which then culminated into action, which then completes itself into an experience or a final "thing." Human minds willing manifestation is a very powerful force, especially during the winter solstice. In fact the world wouldn't be much without human manifestations at all! Don't forget to take a look around you, every building every road, and every item you see on the shelf in the store, or food on a plate, was created and executed by man's brilliant mind and hands! This is a great time to take advantage of magnified manifestation by using the energy "in the holiday air" to your advantage because everyone else's energy at this time is also very high. Tapping into others' positivity while creating your own, is a wonderful time to start combining powerful forces well before the bells of 2017 ring in!

You don't have to wait for a full or a new moon to perform your holiday magic! Get yourself in the spirit by putting up a tree or a few lights in your favorite space, or near your altar. I find that the colorful Christmas lights twinkling away keep me in a calm, happy, and relaxed state, they are almost hypnotizing. Burning some cedar, some wintergreen, or some pine incense also puts one in a calming state of vibration and attraction. Once I'm in an open minded state, and I tap into peace, happiness, and love, I begin to visualize how I can be of service and generous during the holiday season, and how I may be able to provide a piece of my own generous nature to other people. Giving to those in need or who those who don't even know that they need a little extra special love, is the perfect karmic gift which will be returned to you threefold at any given time the universe decides so. Whether it is making a meal for someone, giving away holiday cookies, hand writing cards of love and thanks, or making a handmade gift for someone that only you could create, sends a powerful message out to the universe with rippling effects that will touch the hearts of everyone between you and the recipient. After you've expanded some energy and given away some of your own loving joy to others, save some for yourself too, take a ritual bath or do a spell and start working on New Year's resolutions early, taking the pressure off of the new year so you can ring it in with no expectation because you've already done your manifestation work in through the holidays by staying and in a loving balanced, calming, giving mental state. We place far too much emphasis on consumerism and the superficiality of a holiday, from when the credit cards come out, to the pressure of forcing relationships that are stressful, but really we can work on these energies solo, in the privacy of our own altar, and work silently in bringing peace to ourselves and others around us. Remaining in your own joyous state, while holding that state and space for others who can't hold it for themselves, is the best gift you can give this season, the energetic karma will continue to flow in and through everyone, like the butterfly effect, if you can just stay centered where YOU need to be. Have a wonderful holiday season and we will see you in 2017!

Many Blessings always! ~LS


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