Ostara is here and what better way to begin your spring and summer seasons than with a good spring cleaning. I mean that in both the literal and the spiritual sense. A good deep cleaning is mandatory in our household a few times a year actually. They say cleanliness is next to godliness, and I believe that is true on many levels. When we de-clutter, disinfect, and organize, we can make room for new and important things that want to move into our lives and our homes. Just like a computer hard drive slows down because of gunk and unnecessary files, our lives can do the same if we don't take a physical and mental inventory of our surroundings. A few times a year I will rearrange and redecorate my home and office, and not always just for the reason of bringing change, but also to allow new perspectives, and new energies into my life; dusting out old corners and moving furniture around helps define the things that are important to us and the things that are holding us back or "in the way." Being productive and the best we can be is much easier achieved when we have our "things" in order. Anything that I haven't used in over year gets donated to those in need. Keeping my home organized, neat, and clean keeps my mind organized neat, and clean too! I am much more motivated when things are in neatly in their places, I save time and energy when I know where I can find everything I might need at any given time, and best of all when our space is open and kept, vibrations can move freely in, out, and about...! Give away things that you no longer need, while thinking about the joy and the purpose that that item will serve somebody else who so desperately can use the item much more than what you AREN'T doing with it. Let things that no longer serve you to prove to yourself that attachments to material things only serve us for a short time. Are we bogging ourselves down with too much "stuff" instead of experiencing moments, feeling and creating joy, and interacting with each other? Ponder which physical things weigh you down and which help you get to where you want to go. We all grow and change with the seasons... I remember things that I HAD to have in my 20s, are no longer relevant to my life in my 40s.

Think about all the creative possibilities that can come to your mind and body when you have a corner or a quiet space in your home to work magical energies in, without distractions or negative clutter. Think about the importance of having sanitary conditions for you and your family to eat and bathe in, think about the positive vibration that can flow when you feel good about the space that you are in and share with others. Even pets prefer a clear, open space to live and play in. Colors are important too, change the paint on your walls as often as you wish to whatever inspires you, colors are full of vibrational energies and everyone resonates differently with different colors. Find one that matches your vibration and surround yourself in it, or perhaps draw a mural on your door or create a positive saying on your wall that will inspire you every time you look at it. Rearrange your altar, give it a good dusting and cleaning, do a little sage burning while opening all your windows letting the fresh breeze liven up the stagnant air in your home. Let the sun and the moon enter into your windows, open your curtains or perhaps try a translucent fabric for your curtains, create a space that encourages togetherness of family and friends; a warm, loving, open, and nonjudgmental space. Your home is by far where you spend most of your time and it should feel like a piece of you. Understand that of course we can all be a bit messy sometimes, but overall a good cleansing can really change the course of your energetic vibration for the season to come. Have fun, be creative, make it yours! Spring is a season of magical fruition, what you surround yourself with reflects who you are on the inside and what will manifest for you.

Meanwhile, celebrate OSTARA (the spring equinox) Wicca style! Fill your altar with fresh flowers and sweet essential oil aromas... plant seeds of desires in your wish box and revisit New Years resolutions, this is a great time to watch your seeds of hope grow and flourish into manifestations! Start a small herb garden or even grow a few in your window sill! Prepare outdoor spaces for gatherings and gardening and bring in Ostara with your fellow witches... there is nothing more powerful than the collective conscious working together toward your dreams!

Many Blessings ~ Lady S.


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