Demystifying Wicca, and who we witches REALLY are :)

With the influx of paranormal, vampire, Wiccan/Pagan, and supernatural themed television and movies trend, we thought there would be lots to talk about and share as the mainstream media segways these subjects into frequent and normal, everyday conversation.

Recently on other social media outlets I have been getting a lot of questions about what witchcraft really is and what it can and can't do. Has the media been sensationalized the supernatural? Of course, but not totally. ;) Season 3 of the so-far, popular television series "American Horror Story: Coven," has been re-piquing viewers' interest in the Wiccan lifestyle, I say "re-" because every time a new witch themed movie, TV show, or news story comes out for instance about the occult or Satan worshiping, people's ideas seem to fluctuate as to what really goes on inside (and outside) of a true a coven. First off, let me explain that witches are NOT Satan worshipers. Wicca is in no way associated with the conjuring of demons or using "evil spirits" for any purpose what-so-ever. Witches are not extensions nor friends, with Mr. 'Lucifer or Satan' himself. We do not even believe in such an entity NOR a physical place called "Hell" or even in a Devil himself. It is simply an ignorant view held by those who do not understand Paganism, the symbols of, or the idea of Wicca and the associated practice of magic. Magic is the simple act of mental intention; the result of cause and effect used with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that what you WILL, what you THINK about,what you DESIRE, manifests through your thoughts and actions. Everything in which you see in the physical world first began as a simple thought, a vibration. Thought and energy leads to action and action leads to manifestation, this is proven science. No, we can't change the color of our hair without applying hair dye, or bring the dead back. But we can manipulate energy using the power of intention, which is quite influential, and when intention is magnified through meditation, concentration, and strong intent, that's when magic happens! Anyone can do it really, you don't have to be a wicth! Just as you put your mind to learning math, languages, skills, sports, or when you challenge yourself, the more effective your results become.

YOU MEAN WITCHES DON’T CAST EVIL SPELLS? You mean Christians don’t damn non-believers to hell? They sound equally evil to me! Ok, yes, I'm sure SOME witches do cast evil spells, but they aren't supposed to, just like Christians aren't supposed to be going out and getting drunk and watching porn but some do anyhow because their interpretation of sinning and saving is that they will be forgiven no matter what. Religion and life experiences are what you choose them to be, and no, I don't choose evil 'spellage.' So to define “magic spells” they are yes, as with any ritual and any belief, at the mercy and perception and practice of the believer/performer. Spells are really just thoughts put into a faith based manifestation, something that all of us do EVERY DAY! You could say hoping for a job, visualizing a perfect flight, or even wishing on a candle on a birth-day cake is the most basic of magic spells. Words with powerfully concentrated thoughts often, yes, align energy vibrations in the universe to be manipulated for a particular cause, it’s called the LAW OF ATTRACTION. This is also essentially prayer, except that those who pray are asking GOD or an ANGEL to manipulate outcomes for them. The so-called magic that everyone fears lies in two concerns; the ritualistic aspect and the black arts. As for the black arts, yes they are practitioners that tune into their darker more carnal side to "get things done," and to what level of darkness and negativity would be up to that practitioner, but HERE we don't work at all with dark energy unless we are moving it OUT of our lives, not in. Just as one can pray to God for guidance or direction or for healing, or go into a meditation with POSITIVE intentions, someone could equally use a NEGATIVE mind to manipulate bad circumstances, such as wishing hurt or revenge on others. We ALL know a few negative people or two, and quite frankly, negative people produce negative results whether they are practicing magic or going to church. When one focuses on the negative, one only attracts more of that to themselves. So see, a true ’devil worshiper’ most likely doesn’t even know he is one, because the result is the same! He gets what he puts out, and since we Wiccan's believe the closest thing to a “devil” is our ego, well then, you can understand you need not fear a Wiccan, fear your pissed off neighbor!There is both positive and negative energy out there and we all have been known to use and experience both (for instance acting out when we are angry, or out of pure selflessness) Since there is no hierarchy mandating what we Wiccan's can and can't do when and with what, we are left to judge only that which we are exposed to. The media blows the Wiccan way out of proportion, and you may know a dark, goth kid from college or a neighbor that wears black and doesn't seem quite right. I assure you that a true Wiccan like myself, have ONLY to do with love and respect for all and everything around us, including a blade of grass or a cockroach.

SO WHAT GOES ON IN A TYPICAL COVEN MEETING, or an Esbat, or a ritual you might ask? Well we aren't in it for the moon tan, but I am happy to report it is the most enlightening and beautiful camaraderie ever. We men AND women come together and harmoniously drink tea/wine/juice/scotch/mineral water, talk, share and heal deep concerns, we drum, we meditate, yes we light candles and burn wonderful smelling oils and incense, but I hate to break it to you that we don’t kill animals, have bloody orgies at a bonfire, we don’t feed trees chocolate, or send evil hexes to our obnoxious neighbors. We are all about one thing: collectively raising a positive, loving, peaceful vibe both for our beloved brothers and sisters, our earth, and everyone around us. Enough said. Blessed be my friends. :)

-Lady Shadowe


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